Saturday 27 February 2016

SAP Business One Form Types and Object Types

Object Types
The following table shows the SAP Business One (sbo) object types which are also known as transaction types or Tran’s types. 

Value      Description
1            Chart Of Accounts object
2            Business Partners object
3            Banks object
4            Items object
5            VatGroups object
6           Price Lists object
7           Special Prices object
8           Item Properties object
12         Users object
13         Documents object that represents a sales invoice document
14         Documents object that represents a sales credit note document
15         Documents object that represents a sales delivery note document
16         Documents object that represents a sales return document
17         Documents object that represents a sales order document
18         Documents object that represents a purchase invoice document
19         Documents object that represents a purchase credit note document
20         Documents object that represents a purchase delivery note document
21         Documents object that represents a  purchase return document
22         Documents object that represents a purchase order document
23         Documents object that represents a sales quotation document
24         Payments object
28        JournalVouchers object
30        JournalEntries object that represents a normal journal entry
31        StockTaking object
33        Contacts object
36        CreditCards object
37        Currencies object
40        PaymentTermsTypes object
42        BankPages object
43        Manufacturers object
46        Payments object that represents payments to vendors
48        LandedCostsCodes object
49        ShippingTypes object
50         LengthMeasures object
51         WeightMeasures object
52         ItemGroups object
53        SalesPersons object
56        CustomsGroups object
57        ChecksforPayment object
59        Documents object for entering general items to inventory
60        Documents object for removing general items from inventory
64        Warehouses object
65       CommissionGroups object
66        ProductTrees object
67       StockTransfer object
68       WorkOrders object
70       CreditPaymentMethods object
71       CreditCardPayments object
73       AlternateCatNum object
77       Budget object
78       BudgetDistribution object
81       Messages object
91      BudgetScenarios object
97      SalesOpportunities object
93      UserDefaultGroups object

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